Hey, thanks for stopping by! 

I’m Atlas Wu – just a passionate guy trying to make a difference in the world. This is where I share my thoughts on philosophical, social, and political issues, and if anything sparks your interest, drop a comment and let’s chat! 

I’ve lived in some pretty cool places – mainland China, Taiwan, Canada, and the US. Each one has shaped me in its own way, and I’m always excited to hear from people with different backgrounds and perspectives.

I am, among many things:

A hedonist utilitarian, I strive to make the world a happier place.

A two-level utilitarian, I believe people’s experiences shaped their moral views and moral differences are not irreconcilable.

A neo-Mohist, I believe in equality, universal love, and meritocracy.

An abolitionist, I hope human suffering can be abolished or reduced through transhumanist endeavours such as genetic engineering.

A Marxist, I believe in historical materialism and the need to match our social institutions to the level of productivity.

A social democrat, I believe in effective welfare state and equality of opportunity.

A Bayesian, I have strong opinions, but are weakly held.

A hard determinist, I believe human actions are pre-determined.

A geographical determinist, I believe initial geographical distribution fundamentally shaped human civilizations.

An existentialist, I believe meaning in life is defined through individual endeavours.

A scientific rationalist, I believe in the benefits of applying scientifc and statiscian methodologies to daily encounters and decision-making.


Of course, these labels are not enough to define me. Whatever your definitions of these terms are, I may be a different person than you would expect!

The collections on the website cover many topics. Some articles are academic essays, some are from my casual writing. Some were written when I was under 18, others are fairly recent. They are of different tones, sophistication, and quality and may reflect views I no longer hold.

Other than thinking about social issues, I love hiking, swimming, cycling, cooking, and travelling. Check out my travel photos here! I am also a big fan of computer games from League of Legends to Civilization 6!

 –Atlas, 2025.02.26